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000127_nobody_Fri May 28 19:49:19 1999.msg
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From: Chris Seward <amiga@thefree.net>
To: amos-list@onelist.com
Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 00:14:02 +0000
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Subject: [amos-list] Introduction.
Status: O
From: Chris Seward <amiga@thefree.net>
Hello Amos list,
I thought i'd just introduce myself as i've just joined the list. Well
i've used the original amos since about 1993-ish, and have made
alot of programs, my biggest project was a bomber man clone called
Bomb the Farm with various objects like pitch forks etc but I never
finished it. Some of you may remember Number 100 from Amiga
Format issue 100 reader games, well i'll own up to that, that was
my 'effort'.
These days I don't have much time for Amos but still like to have a bash
now and again.
My main project at the moment that some of you may know about is my
magazine called Amiga Information Online (AIO) which has been running
for two years. We've now released 24 issues with the latest issue
being released last saturday (22.5.99)
If you'd like to download the latest issue you can from aminet or our
URL : http://www.aio.co.uk
Aminet : Docs/Mags/AIOV24.lha (de.aminet.net)
If you've ever ventured to #amos on IRCnet then you might see me there,
i'm running kEwlb0t there which is #amos's new bot since Shell run by
Citrone is less than stable.
You can catch me on IRCnet's #amos at
Saturday, 00:00am - 2:00am
Saturday, 8:30pm - 00:00am (midnight)
This is BST/GMT (+1 hr for CET)
So if you havn't already tried #amos then why not pop by using any
IRCnet server,
etc.. etc..
You'll need AmIRC for the Amiga or mIRC for the PC.
AmIRC @ http://www.vapor.com
mIRC @ http://www.mirc.co.uk
Toodle Pip!
Chris Seward Email : chris@aio.co.uk
*http://www.aio.co.uk* Phone : +44 (0)7887 664 915
Editor of Amiga Information Online Aminet: Docs/Mags/AIOV??.lha
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